Website Design & Hosting

Responsive, mobile first design to reach your audience no matter how they're finding you.

Looking for a complete website solution?

Branding, website design, development, hosting, security, software updates and content management all in one place - with one point of contact.

Since 2004, I’ve designed, built and maintained websites for cities, businesses and nonprofits of all types.  My clients love that I can design an authentic and powerful brand, build, host and maintain a gorgeous and functional website, and provide all the graphic design needed to support their mission and drive their brand.

Looking for a complete website solution?

Branding, website design, development, hosting, security, software updates and content management all in one place - with one point of contact.

For over 18 years, I’ve designed, built and maintained websites for cities, businesses and nonprofits of all types.  My clients love that I can design an authentic and powerful brand, build, host and maintain a gorgeous and functional website, and provide all the graphic design needed to support their mission and drive their brand.

Mobile first design means the website is designed with mobile users in mind, ensuring they have a consistent and smooth experience, no matter what device they’re using.

Google and other search engines give preference to well designed, mobile first websites so it’s a critical part of modern website design. This type of responsive design means the website actually responds to different devices by offering more user-friendly layouts and imagery that load faster without sacrificing quality.

Mobile First Design

Easy to Manage

There are a lot of parts to a successful website.  It’s hard to keep track of who does what and how to get a hold of them.

From designing and building your site, to hosting, domain management, software updates and content edits, I’ll be the one person you contact to get it done.

Tired of waiting for your flaky designer or volunteer to make important updates to your site? 

I typically make content updates within 24 hours of the request. Website updates don’t have to be painful, or take forever to get done. One quick email to me and you can check it off your list.

Rapid Response

Total Web Care

I designed a website maintenance plan exclusively for my clients to make managing their website pain free.

Total Web Care covers all the things a website needs to stay secure and run smoothly.  No tracking down who does what or waiting for the agency to find the time to call you back.

Empower yourself or your team by making basic website updates with WordPress.

If you are interested in doing updates yourself, I include a custom website user guide and training sessions to help you get to know your way around and cover all the basic tasks.

WordPress Websites

Website Process

Project Proposal

The first step is to have a chat about your website so I can give you an estimate of the costs and time it will take to bring it to life.  This includes things like a basic page outline, any special functions and the goals for your site. With this information, I put together a proposal for you to review. Upon acceptance, I invoice 50% down and we're off to the races.

Content Development

I encourage clients to work with a professional content developer to ensure your website is speaking to the right people in the right way.  This is a special skill to help you organize, clarify, and write the headlines and text for your webpages to ensure everything is on brand and on message. I partner with and highly recommend Clearly Creative for content development and digital marketing. They provide stellar service at an affordable rate.

Design Look & Feel

In this step, I design the look and feel of the site and build the primary page templates, navigation, header, footer and forms.  I’ll begin with the home page and a secondary page (like the About page) to examine how it will look on desktops, tablets and phones.  We’ll then review together and make any adjustments before building the other pages. 

Build the Site

Once these initial page templates are approved, I’ll build out the rest of the site adding the content including text and photos.

When the site is completed and thoroughly tested, I’ll send you a link to review and give you about a week to make notes of any changes or edits you’d like to see.  I’ll make any edits required and we’ll do another round of review and revise, then move on to the next step.

Test & Review

After all the pages are built and the content is added, I thoroughly test the site using a variety of devices and browsers to ensure a smooth and consistent user experience. We then set a time to review the website and answer any questions or address any concerns.

Launch & Maintain

When everything is perfect, we can point your domain to the new site and tada -your new website is live.

I’ll test it again to be sure all the links and forms are working properly and ensure all your photos, blogs, documents, and content are displaying and functioning correctly. 

There are also a few technical things that happen on the backend to be sure Google is happy, like setting up the security certificate, basic search engine optimization, submitting a sitemap to Google and others, and setting up Google Analytics and Search Console. 

Support & Updates

I’ll be available for content updates like adding blog posts, updating text on a page, or adding new photos or videos. Just shoot me an email and let me know what needs to be done.  I track my time and bill in 15-minute increments at my rate of $100/hr.  I usually complete the job in a day or two, but can rush an update if needed.

Websites don’t have to take forever or cost a fortune.

For website projects I like to start with a quick phone call to get up to speed about where you’re at with the project and gather all the details I need to put together a proposal for your review. About a week from the consultation,  I’ll send you a proposal for you to review and send to stakeholders.